Good morning my friends,
Today’s email feels particularly appropriate for a slow Sunday morning, and if you don’t feel like mustering the energy to read or watch, you can listen to the video like a podcast.
Recently, my identical twin, Dimity, and I quit coffee (ok, we still have it once a week). Being raised by a devout Italian espresso drinker, this felt tragic.
Coffee is just so damn good. It’s rich and deep and viscous. You can almost chew on it. But it disrupts our sleep and makes me a jittery, anxious mess.
In our quest for an alternative, we discovered we’d both started drinking cocoa.
Go figure!
We were curious how we each made our cocoa, so without revealing our recipes to each other, we filmed a video to show each other—and YOU.
Our recipes are uncannily similar.
Dim refers to her’s as a “potion.”
I refer to mine as a “sexy, morning mamma drink.” Desirable, alluring, sensual, appealing, exciting, hot and steamy, lust-worthy.
Yup, it’s all those things. (So is Dim’s.)
This drink is an easy way to pamper and nourish yourself every morning.
We filmed our videos in real time, so you can see just how quick they are to make.
The best part?
You can make an easy variation for kids that’s just as immune-boosting and delicious (I’ve included the recipe from Seasonal Family Almanac below).
Paid subscribers will receive full access to my and Dimity’s recipe video, as well as the following below the paywall:
A complete list of ingredients with links to purchase them, substitutions, and tips for storage and use
Links to the essential blenders we each use and Dimity’s all-time favorite mug (that keeps drinks warm all day—whaaaaaat!)
Kid-friendly recipe for FROTHY, IMMUNITY-BOOSTING MUSHROOM COCOA from Seasonal Family Almanac (it has fewer ingredients than the grown-up version)
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